CYP(4)-28-13 – Paper to note 6

Sent in via E-mail on 25 October

Dear Ann Jones, A.M

Re: Children and Young People’s Committee Meeting, 16th October.

I am writing to you in your position as Chair of the Children and Young People’s Committee.

The purpose of this letter is a point of clarification regarding comments made.

During the meeting Jeff Cuthbert , Assembly Member, Labour (Minister for Communities and

Tackling Poverty) gave evidence. He said:

[17] In the case of Funky Dragon, it knows that the current funding arrangements will

come to an end in October next year—that is £400,000. We are now discussing how the sort

of work that it does on young people’s participation can be done in a different way, together

with a range of organisations. Funky Dragon is well aware of this; I do not know whether it is

content, as it has not come back to me. It might do that, or it might lobby other Assembly

Members. However, at this stage, those discussions are under way. We are determined that

the front-line services for young people are affected as little as possible.

Taken from the official Minutes of the meeting.

Our point of clarification is, we were aware that 3rd sector funding was being reviewed. I have attached the letter sent from the Minister. The letter informs us that the Minister and his officials will meet with us over the coming weeks.

However, at the time of your meeting, we were not aware of the discussions to work on “young people’s participation in a different way”. And as such, the reason we have not responded to the Minister is that we had not been requested to do so.

Our invitation to meet with the Minister’s officials to discuss the letter came to our office via email on the 21st October (email also attached).

We have accepted this invitation and will meet officials tomorrow.

Yours Sincerely

Darren Bird

Chief Executive, Funky Dragon.